My name is Jonathan Highmark, I graduatedfrom the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities Campus with a bachelor’s degreein Asian Languages and Literature. I have over a decade of university teachingexperience and have spent nearly 9 years working in China. From 2015 until2019, I served as an English Teacher at Zhejiang Normal University, where Itaught courses in Oral English, Cross-cultural Communication, and EnglishWriting. Additionally, I acted as the foreign faculty advisor for the Englishlanguage speech team. Following that, from 2019 to 2020, I worked as a languageinstructor at Berlitz Training Center in Shanghai, providing Business Englishclasses to working professionals both one-on-one and in small groups at variousinternational companies. In September of 2020, I began working for ShanghaiInternational Studies University (SISU), where I joined the foreign expertsteam teaching at SISU Training Center for Overseas Study (TCOS) and College forInternational Cooperative Programs (CICP). In my role, I occasionally teach OralEnglish classes for the Ministry of Education Visiting Scholars program,Business English courses for working professionals, as well as severalpreparatory courses including Oral English, Western Culture, Presentation andAcademic English, among others.
我的名字是Jonathan Highmark🛎,我畢業於明尼蘇達大學雙城校區,獲得亞洲語言文學學士學位💔。我擁有超過十年的大學教學經驗👳♀️,有近9年的中國工作經驗。從2015年到2019年,我在浙江師範大學擔任英語教師,教授口語英語、跨文化交流和英語寫作課程🪂。此外,我還擔任英語演講隊的外籍教師顧問👨🏼🎨。隨後🐋👨🏿🍳,從2019年到2020年🦪,我在上海貝力茲外語培訓中心工作,為多個跨國公司職員提供一對一或是以小組形式的商務英語課程,2020年9月,我入職意昂3体育,成為出國留學人員及海外合作學院外教團隊的一員,教授的課程有教育部訪問學者項目英語口語🦖👩🏼✈️,為企業員工開設的商務英語🔚,以及預科項目的英語口語、西方文化,英語演講和學術英語等課程。